Friday, April 3, 2009


Today was ultimately good! We're watching Hancock in 4th period and we just got past the part where he shoves someone's head up someone else's butt. Hehe....silvertiger's peering over my shoulder watching me type this blog. The sucker! (silvertiger n the background: UR THE TRUE SUCKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Shut up! Anyways, what are your plans for spring break!? I'm going to celebrate my birthday. It's April 9th, you know. I might go to the Atlanta fun center where there's a lot of Asians! Me and my asian obsessed friends (including silvertiger) love the asians even tho we're too scared to say hi to them. And when we do, they don't acknowledge the fact that we're talking to them. STUPID SUCKAS! Just kidding! Anyways, in second period we were supposed to have a poetry slam. It's a poem that epresses strong emotion and whatnot. Me, silvertiger, and our friend Ruth were going to perform a poem about life. It's pretty funny. We're in the background, making sound effects and stuff. It turned out that our teacher had a last minute meeting and we didn't get to perform. I was okay with that, even tho we practiced more than like ten times . But we got to eat and get fat tho! We had chips, donuts, oatmeal pies, and sodas.

1 comment:

  1. U 4GOT THE ORANGE JUICE AND WE PRACTICED THAT 50 MILLION THOUSAND.....AND ONE TIMES!!!!!!!! XD hehe...going 2 the fun center 2 stalk asians...O.o
