What’s wrong with my creativity these days? I can’t write a single thing- not even fan fiction! Now you know that’s bad. My imagination is drawing blanks and this venting is not helping me at all. It might thirty minutes later but I would rather go without that kind of suffering. I find it strange that I’m patient for everything else except my own writings. I would be stuck at a certain part then think of the possibilities. How is there a chapter five before a chapter one? I have problems, my friends. I need to stop doing that. It’s just I don’t really know how things are laid out in my story. When I do lay it out, it’s not even halfway done because I am anxious to start the story. What plans do I have right now? Let me tell you something about writer’s block: it freakin’ SUCKS! I’m kinda depressed about Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight series. It has it all: the romance, the vampires, the werewolves, half-vampire babies. Oh, Stephenie! Why can’t your magic rub off on lil’ ol’ me!? *Sigh* I mean you gotta give her some congrats! Who else thinks of vampires having the following characteristics: sparkling instead of burning in the sun? Having skin as hard as concrete? Venom that burns as it goes through your system? Sucking animal blood? Having special abilities? Also, the concept of werewolves running a temperature one-oh-eight, having a mind-link with fellow pack members, being able to imprint- a weird, stronger version of love at first sight? My story was gonna be about a girl and her problems with going to a mythical creatures school. Not very attractive, right? The most popular supernatural creatures have been taken. All I have to do is do the best I can with the ones that are left.
CRAP CAKES! What is left!?
i hate writer's block 2 >:( isnt the thing CRAB CAKES?! O.o i've never had those....-_-'